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JEE Main 2018 analysis

The pattern of JEE Main 2018 was more or less same as that of previous years where total 90 questions were asked(30 for every subject).

In comparison with JEE Main 2017, this year paper was comparatively difficult. The overall paper was around 25%higher  on the difficulty side. Out of the 90 questions, 40 were asked from XI Curriculum and 50 questions were asked from XII Curriculum.
The bifurcation of curriculum was as follows:

                             XI.                XII
Physics.              13.               17
Chemistry.           15.               15

Maths.                  12.               18

The toughness level was as follows:

              Easy.       Medium.       Difficult
Phy        7.              21.               2
Chem.   15.            9.                 6

Maths.   11.           13.               6

Easy means more than 6 out of 10 students can do, Medium means 4 out of 10 students can do, and Difficult means maximum 2 out of 10 students can do.

To conclude, Chemistry paper was comparatively difficult in the Organic section and there was non coverage of several chapters with certain chapters gaining more weight-age. The division of Chemistry section was as follows:

Physical Chemistry-10 questions
Organic Chemistry-9 questions
norganic Chemistry-11 questions
with lesser emphasis on numerical aspects.

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